Monday, October 5, 2015

The Pope is a Marxist
Oct. 4, 2015

I love listening to Rush Limbaugh lecture the Pope about Catholicism, and call the Pope a Marxist, as if that were his motivation after decades of living consistently according to his theology. This Pope is so profoundly theologically consistent, way beyond his predecessors, a phenomenon Limbaugh can't even begin to recognize. Even more impressive is when people actually believe Limbaugh. How much ignorance does it take to choose Limbaugh on Catholic theology over the head of the Catholic Church, The Bishop of Rome? Wow! "Is the Pope Catholic" has a whole new meaning.
There's a lack of respect for learning in modern culture that would be hysterical if it weren't so devastating. Climate deniers lecturing Ph.D.s when they have no idea what they are talking about, as if reading an article in a magazine is the same as decades of constant study and research. The gall to psychologize about the "true motivations" of highly trained people, to accuse them of hypocrisy when the person knows nothing at all except for their own biases and prejudices. Mouthing inanities without paying social penalties, and even being esteemed for their ignorance. Shows how profoundly gullible and stupid many Americans are when defending their ideologies. This country is truly ripe for a demagogue like Donald Trump, someone the people will follow over a cliff like lemmings to the sea.

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