Kim Davis and the War on Christianity
September 5, 2015
I see that there are some Conservatives who are claiming that the jailing of Kim Davis is a war on Christianity. I see other Christian ministers who declare that Jesus accepted all people and that Ms. Davis is not acting out of their Christian belief. It is interesting to me that when the schools schedule programs on Shabbat or the High Holy Days, or give Christmas concerts even when that's against school policy, no one ever says there's a war on Judaism, least of all the people who are now claiming there's a war on Christianity. What's really at stake here is that those people believe that the rest of us are guests in THEIR country. That's what they mean by a war on Christianity. Not all Christians, but their type of Christian has the inherent right to set social policy and judge the laws. Anyone who opposes their ideas of Christianity or of sovereignty has, they say, declared war on Christianity. This is not a small matter. What they are really saying is that those holding divergent opinions are really not equal citizens of the United States and do not deserve full and equal rights.
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