Friday, November 13, 2015

France and Terror

I have just heard that the catastrophe in Paris involved 8 assailants. I feel certain it will be followed by some clamoring to take vengeance on Muslims. Please think before reacting. Surely there is a terrorist cell behind the planning, and an organization like ISIS behind that. But this is not Islam. This is not Muslims, no matter who takes credit eventually. This is a sick and distorted political movement attempting to control the world without regard for human life. It is people addicted to the control that comes from causing terror in others. Please, please -- after 9/11 the U.S. jumped to conclusions with horrifying consequences, perhaps even this very terror attack 14 years later. Refrain from knee-jerk judgments that condemn a class of people and ignore the real criminals who planned and executed these murders. We are at war not with a religion, but with a small group of ideologically driven sociopaths who seek, like Hitler and Stalin, to control the world. Let us not take innocent lives and increase the carnage and suffering, driving others to seek even more revenge. Let us strive for peace, and punish the the real evil behind this terror, not some imagined enemy that punishes the innocent with the guilty.

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